RDM Helpdesk Network

Working Group RDM Helpdesk Network

Our goal is to link the helpdesk teams of the NFDI consortia with the helpdesk teams of the institutions so that all users can find and receive optimal support for their RDM needs. This requires the collaboration of RDM helpdesk teams from different institutions and disciplines to share experiences and knowledge about RDM infrastructure and workflows, best practices, and specific use cases of advice and documentation.


NFDI helpdesks support both researchers and staff at RDM service centres with questions about research data management: Overview of the NFDI helpdesks



If you have any questions about the group, please send an email to section-edutrain-wg-helpdesk-owner@lists.nfdi.de or contact one of the group coordinators:


Kick-Off Working Group RDM Helpdesk Network

When: 7. November 2024, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Where: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkdeurrzMiHdNG4U1eXi2xgBVw6zwp5oSy

Beim Kick-off werden wir unsere Ziele, unsere vergangenenaktuellen und geplanten Aktivitäten vorstellen und Möglichkeiten zur Beteiligung aufzeigen. Eingeladen sind alle Personen, die mit FDM-Beratungen zu tun haben oder an unserem Netzwerk interessiert sind.


Subscribe to the FDM Helpdesk mailing list if you want to receive news about FDM helpdesks or exchange ideas with others on this topic: Subscribe to mailing list

Further Information