(Published on 27.07.2023) We would like to invite you to look behind the surface of the online world with us. Under the title „Behind the Click“, Dutch artist and researcher Julia Janssen will visually explore topics such as Artificial Intelligence, the bias of algorithms and data profiling. The public evening lecture will take place as part of the first Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) on 12 September at 7.30 pm in the KIT Audimax.

The lecture is for free and organised by the association Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V. (German National Research Data Infrastructure) based in Karlsruhe. Registration is not required.


About „Behind the Click“

Julia Janssen is an artist who researches the influence of digitalisation on our society. She makes the challenges we face with data, AI and technology tangible in interactive and performative installations. She covers topics like data profiling, bias in algorithms, informed consent and digital civic rights.

How do we deal with fairness, equality, autonomy, freedom and democracy in a data-driven society? In this talk, Janssen takes you on a journey behind the surface of the internet. A visual presentation on her research and ideas to discover what happens behind the click.


About Julia Janssen
Julia Janssen is an artist, designer, researcher and speaker. In her work she creates awareness about the impact of technology and digitization on society.

In 2016 she graduated from the ArtEZ School of the Arts in Graphic Design. With her graduation work, she won the ​​Crypto Design Award.

Julia translates scientific insights into accessible design giving her audience a peek behind the internet’s surface. By making the complexity of information technology understandable, she builds a movement that strives for data sovereignty. Photo: Jonna Bruinsma

Julia Janssen
Location: KIT Audimax
Click the image for more information.

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