RDM Helpdesks

RDM Helpdesks of NFDI

The following NFDI helpdesks support both researchers and employees of RDM service centres with questions about research data management (RDM). Helpdesks for additional disciplines are currently being developed.

If you would like to find out more or contribute to the FDM network, you can find more information here.

Humanities und Social Sciences

Consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage

Disciplines: Architecture, art history, musicology, performing arts, film and media studies and beyond.

The NFDI4Culture Helpdesk team provides personalised advice on all topics relating to research data management, particularly with regard to image, 3D, audio and audiovisual data. The service is available to researchers as well as cultural heritage institutions.

Helpdesk: https://nfdi4culture.de/id/E2409

Consortium for text- and language-based research data

Disciplins: arts and Humanities

The Text+ Helpdesk facilitates direct access to Text+ Consulting. We offer individual assistance for all our services as well as for text- and language-based research data.

Our services are rounded off by the Text+ Research Rendezvous, where concerns and questions about Text+ and its services, the NFDI and text- and language-related research data can be discussed directly with colleagues from Text+ without prior registration.

The Research Rendezvous are held fortnightly, alternating between Tuesday (9:00-10:00) and Thursday (10:00-11:00). We are looking forward to hearing from you! 

Contact: https://text-plus.org/en/helpdesk/  

Life Sciences

 Consortium for basic plant research

Disciplines: Biology, especially basic plant research

Our DataPLANT Helpdesk supports you with your inquiries about the DataPLANT consortium, questions about research data management and the use of our tools and services. Initial answers and assistance can be found in our Knowledge Base.

Helpdesk: https://helpdesk.nfdi4plants.org

Knowledge Base: https://knowledgebase.nfdi4plants.org 

FAIR Data Infrastructure for Agrosystems

Disciplines: Agrosystem research, including agricultural landscape research, soil science, plant breeding, cultivation and nutrition, agricultural economics, policy, socio-economic data from agricultural research and more…

Our helpdesk supports any needs regarding agricultural data throughout the data life cycle such as data management plans, project policy, legal guidance, search for and publication of data as well as inquiries for trainings or project support.

Helpdesk:  https://fairagro.net/helpdesk/

Consortium for Biodiversity, Ecology & Environmental Data

Disciplines: Biological, Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences

Our NFDI4Biodiversity helpdesk offers individual support for all of your questions – be it requests you would like to address about the NFDI4Biodiversity consortium, technical questions on the management of biodiversity, ecology or environmental data, questions on the use of our tools and services or something completely different. It is open for all.

Helpdesk: https://nfdi4biodiversity.org/de/helpdesk 

National Research Data Infrastructure for Biological Imagesn

Disciplines: all Life Sciences

The Helpdesk offers support in dealing with image data in the context of research data management.
From data management plans and analysis options to solutions for metadata, publication and long-term storage, we offer a helping hand.
Networking with other helpdesks in the life sciences enables us to answer a very wide range of questions

Contact: https://nfdi4bioimage.de/help-desk/

National research data infrastructure for microbiota research (Life Sciences)

Disciplines: Microbiology

The helpdesk answers all kinds of questions and problems related to data management and data analysis in microbiology as well as questions about the NFDI4Microbiota consortium, its outreach, community activities and more.

Helpdesk: https://nfdi4microbiota.de/contact-form/

Natural Sciences

Konsortium für Katalyseforschung und katalysebezogene Wissenschaften

Fächer: Katalyse, Materialwissenschaften, Chemieingenieurwesen

Wir bieten individuelle Unterstützung über das Kontaktformular auf unserer Homepage. Wenn Sie eine offene Diskussion mit der Gemeinschaft bevorzugen, nutzen Sie unsere NFDI4Cat-GitHub Organisation. Wir werden unser Bestes tun, um Sie bei der erfolgreichen Nutzung unserer Werkzeuge zu unterstützen und Sie durch den Dschungel des Forschungsdatenmanagements zu führen.

Kontakt: https://nfdi4cat.org/kontakt/

Diskussionen: https://github.com/orgs/nfdi4cat/discussions 



NFDI Consortium for Chemistry

Disciplines: Chemistry

The NFDI4Chem Helpdesk is the first point of contact for all questions about the NFDI4Chem consortium, as well as for questions about research data management (RDM) in chemistry, NFDI4Chem or NFDI services, data repositories, electronic lab notebooks (ELN) in general and in particular (e.g. “Chemotion”).
The helpdesk is supplemented by the NFDI4Chem Knowledge Base.

Helpdesk: helpdesk@nfdi4chem.de

Consortium for Earth System Sciences

Disciplines: Geo- and Earth Sciences

The NFDI4Earth-Helpdesk provides personalized support and advice for questions on research datamanagement in Earth System Sciences, such as for example on general research data management, about the consortium it self, technical questions on research data and their handling, specific support for tools and so on. The Helpdesk is closely connected to the OneStop4All portal developed within NFDI4Earth.

Helpdesk: https://nfdi4earth.de/helpdesk 

Engineering Sciences

National Research Data Infrastructure for the Engineering Sciences

Disciplines: all engineering sciences

NFDI4Ing operates the platform https://questions.nfdi4ing.de Similar to the well-known portal Stackoverflow, anyone can post their own questions on the topic of research data management in engineering and provide answers to questions from the community.

Helpdesk: https://nfdi4ing.de/contact/