NFDI comments on the EU Open Data draft

(Veröffentlicht am 23.06.2022) The European Commission has presented a draft implementing regulation regarding the availability of public datasets. [1] As part of a feedback process, the sections Ethical, Legal & Social Aspects (ELSA), Common Infrastructures...

Newsletter May 2022 (Nr. 7)

NFDI News Sektionen haben Sprecher:innen gewähltDie Sektion Training & Education hat in ihrer ersten offiziellen Sitzung am 3. Mai ihren Sprecher und dessen Stellvertreterin gewählt. NFDI gratuliert dem neuen Sprecher Prof. Dr. Peter Pelz und der stellvertretenden...

One year FAIR Data Spaces

(Published on 20.05.2022) The project “FAIR Data Spaces” celebrates its first anniversary this week. At the beginning of April last year, the project application was submitted to the BMBF and the funding already started on 17.05.2021. Since then, the FAIR...

NFDI publishes statement on the EU Data Act

(Published on 18.05.2022) The Data Act of the European Union is to regulate the accessibility of data in the future. As part of a feedback procedure, the ELSA (Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects) section in the NFDI association has submitted an opinion on the draft...